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This bright and modern, one-of-a-kind collaborative meeting environment is specifically designed to provide a highly productive and unique meeting experience. The Collaborative Labs is a 10,000 SQ. FT. facility designed and equipped to foster dynamic interaction and spur creativity.
This meeting space is perfect for group workshops, large meetings or seminars, retreats, conferences, and much more. The Collaborative Labs can accommodate group sizes from 5 to 200 utilizing all four innovative meeting rooms, with flexible floor plans, cutting edge meeting technology and windows that also offer ample natural light. This creative space and event venue occupies a unique space in the innovative EpiCenter building conveniently located off of Ulmerton Rd. in Clearwater FL with hotels close by and just minutes from downtown Tampa and downtown St. Petersburg with easy access to major freeways.
Additional available services to enhance your meeting; Comprehensive Facilitation services; Documenting services; Voting technology; Brainstorming software; Business Illustration; Full Service On-Site Catering; Banquet space is also available for groups up to 175.
Source : Venue Website